Cleaning Windows
I am new to the world of blogging. As a matter of fact, I will attempt to never say blog again. Everyone blogs, some vlog, many will slog; I just write stuff.
Sure, I’ve been writing on Facebook for a long time, and the platform has been good to me. But, as I have said before, Facebook has become cumbersome to manage. To see more clearly, I am cleaning windows. That is, opening a new window. We can put the screens in sometime in the spring.
Yes, I hear Van Morrison in my head right now. You should too.
I wanted to update all who have signed up for this train that we are methodically moving through the steps in order to put much of the writing here, at The issue is—as always—that I don’t tend to take well-spaced steps. I jump, I backup, I step sideways. It’s the product of a mind that does what it wants. I merely try to steer it now and then to keep it out of the alder bushes that line the rutted dirt lanes that I travel on much of the time.
We determined that we would try to push this quick note out, as a test, in order to see if everything is working.
As a cute side note to our journey, I signed up for a Mailchimp account to manage the newsletter/posts/emailing. We outgrew the cheap (free) plan by midnight last night. Yup, now it’s going to cost me to send an email to all of you. My IT guy, Matt, is looking at alternatives because, like many of my endeavors, we wanted this to be cheap. Fun, but cheap.
To be honest, I didn’t expect this kind of response. I am humbled. We are well over five thousand strong as of this morning, and the “Chimp” is demanding money. Hopefully, the silly swag, a few books, and probably some tee shirt sales can mitigate the migration from my wallet and allow us to make this a really nice trip.
I guess, for now, I plan on writing here—first—and then moving the material to the Facebook page about three times a week. I will still write the shorter things on Facebook, so I am not leaving the platform. I want to focus on my books over the coming year. We have one due in July 2021, one in July of 2022, and one in July of 2023. That is only if the Lord is willing, and if the creek don’t rise.
It’ll be fun. Thanks for tagging along.
Tim Cotton
(photo credit- Melody Blake)