A post-workday shopping excursion in the middle of the 2021 back-to-school buyer binge was dumb, but I was dumber. The thing is, I could have ordered the necessities from an online source, but I’m about to make a trip out of state with my pop, and I needed a couple of things sooner than even…
Author: Tim Cotton
Maybe It Was Perfect
The current situation in the blogosphere is hazy with the chance of random thoughts, possibly a shower before I go to bed. I haven’t seen all my sisters—in the same space—for a ridiculous amount of time. I think it was for my parent’s sixtieth anniversary. This week, we all celebrated their 64th. Two of my…
The Uninvited
The first thing I noticed was the pleasantly acrid odor of overcooked hot dogs being seared beyond hope by an open flame. With only the smell to jog my memory, I could almost taste the carbonized skin of many hot dogs past. I was suddenly envious that someone was enjoying a campfire, but more so…
Shoveling For The Glory of Those Who Came—or Went— Before Us.
While I don’t want this blog to turn into a sounding board for outhouse discussions only, last week was flush with various non-potable moments. I enjoyed so many of the comments from all over the globe, and many of you shared your own outhouse memories. It seems a high percentage of the readers have had…
Other Than Having No Indoor Bathroom, How Are Things At Camp?
Due to a myriad of problems—some blamed on the pandemic—the septic system installation at the camp has taken far longer than anticipated. Nope. It’s not done, not even close. Do you know that schedule forty PVC sewage pipe is not all that plentiful this summer? I don’t know if any of this has to do…
Nothing To See Here-
It’s been a week where all of my writing was limited to long paragraphs inside of my head. Those of you who write—I hope—understand what I am trying to say, or, in this case, write. The fact that I am finally opening the Macbook and scribbling out some thoughts at exactly 1744hrs on a Wednesday…
You Say Granada, I Say Grenada, Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off
During a week that I have nothing to write about, I want to share a bit of information that might surprise you. I have owned over seventy-five automobiles, more than thirty motorcycles, and well over twenty boats. Nope, I am not a collector. But for a time, I loved buying and selling low-budget vehicles. Some…
A Tale of Two American Dreams (and Ninjas)
I drove right by the manifestation of the American dream, and I immediately kicked myself for it. I regretted my dismissiveness for over two miles and one-half of a country song that I can’t recall right now. I was happily haunted by the hopefulness that I saw in his face as he tried to make…
Beds That Go Boom In The Night
Misadventure is still an adventure; we find solace in that statement. Her formative years were spent here at the lake in the woods. Her stories of the hour-long rocky ride over unscreened, bank-run gravel while stuffed into an overloaded station wagon with four siblings are recited to me each time we drive up that hill;…
Ninety-One-Minutes Forever
Driving in twilight eliminates unnecessary distractions. Said to be the most dangerous time on the road for a driver, our eyes naturally readjust to ready for the darkness that follows—too soon. Shadows develop into imaginary features and creatures. Branches become arms, reflectors become eyes, and our imaginations must sort out the details. Distant roadside landmarks…