The sun’s late afternoon trajectory, a fiery arc, pierced through the dense forest on my right. As it descended lower on the horizon, the trunks and branches, like sentinels, intermittently blocked my view, teasing the shards of light that danced and shimmered as I pressed on, maintaining a steady pace. The Memorial Day wind, at…
Category: Uncategorized
We fed on furled fronds from a fledgling fern; fantastic they were. The S.O., a female, fawned over the ferns since arriving in Maine from further south. “Can you grab some fiddleheads in your travels? Please. I can’t get them down here,” she said. “I am waiting for the roadside sellers, dear. None have revealed…
Negligible Acts
I’m trying to be a good steward. My plan won’t change the world, and in the interest of full disclosure, I don’t do it every single time, but it’s a start. Frankly, sometimes, I forget. I take my shopping carts from the parking lot corral instead of from the static display inside the store. Pushing…
The Mundane—Reflections from South Dakota
I’m spoiled. I’ve seen the country on someone else’s dime, but it very well could have been yours. If so, I thank all of you. I’ve been to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, thrice within a month and a half— and I’ve enjoyed every visit. I found the people genuine and the scenery breathtaking (for a kid from the Jagged…
The Path of Least Resistance
With all the hubbub about the upcoming eclipse and me being so close to the path of totality, you’d think I might get into my truck on Monday and invade some small Maine town with a cup of coffee in hand to catch the moon and sun in their public display of affection. It’s not…
Packing with Mama
I saw my Mama today. I brought my coffee. She’d already had hers. I helped her pack up her favorite piece of leaded stained glass—a loon. It is lovely. She’s been keeping it in a sunny window so the colors pop, but she was worried it might get cracked or broken in the move. She’s…
Too Many to Share
Can you imagine the overwhelming number of photos that today’s twenty-somethings will be able to show their kids in thirty years? I grew up hearing Mom and Dad say, “I remember that picture; where did you find it?” I would listen to their descriptions. They recalled the event because someone else took the photo, and…
Second Chances
I wanted coffee, and while I don’t take sugar, she was sweet. Our exchange, while brief, smacked of a moment in time that wouldn’t have come to mind for any other reason. Most often, I hear phrases that cast a negative shadow over the prospect of the morning, early rising, and the slog that can…
The Bees From Next Door
Bright sunny skies, warm breezes, and smiles were on tap for Monday’s Happy Hour at Chez Ellie. I shut down all the heat sources in the house, opened windows, and swiped right on the sliding window on the screen door that leads to the back deck, saying a hearty yes to cross ventilation. We only…
My dad told me a few stories about trudging to school. That’s what dads born before 1945 tended to do. He told me a few times he wore sneakers year-round through the western Maine winters. He explained he had to wear thicker socks in cold weather. Any kid worth his salt on the baseball diamond…